24 July, 2008

Lower Baker Dam

The view of Mount Baker from the dam

Downstream of the dam

At the foot of the dam

Looking across the dam, built in 1924. Notice the old (retired) pipe on the far side, which served as a salmon run

The view straight down, over the sluice gates

Sluice gate machinery

The powerhouse, built in the late 50's, slanted roof to protect the structure from landslides, which destroyed the original powerhouse. Notice the hefty crain, towering above
The high-side 115 kV lines come straight out from the building, the transformer is housed inside

The shaft coming up from the turbine

The valve to control flow into the turbine

Below the valve, the 20 ft diameter intake pipe

The governor

The transformer, housed within the powerhouse, water-cooled by the dam

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